About Camelfy

About Camelfy

What does it mean to be a "Camel"? A Camel is a company built to withstand the harsh times. More consideration is given to profitabilty than "growth at all costs". Unicorns used to be the darlings of Silicone Valley. Now investors are looking for the Camels. In this difficult and uncertain time, Camels are built to last.

This is the place to help your company "be the Camel". Save precious resources by expanding or relocating to lower cost areas. There are many cities that will even pay you to move your business to that city.

We have simple Search feature that will help you look for cities that want your business. If you register the Search feature is even more helpful.

We make it easy to find an Economic Development Agency. Most cities with a population over 10,000 will have an Economic Development Agency. These agencies want your buisiness to move to their area. Some will offer you very attractive packages to help you make that decision. These incentives range from tax breaks to cash.

You don't have to be a huge coporation to be an attractive target. Many smaller cities are looking for smaller companies that fit nicely into their community.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Possimus aut mollitia eum ipsum fugiat odio officiis odit.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Possimus aut mollitia eum ipsum fugiat odio officiis odit.

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